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District 504 Procedures

To file a grievance, contact the District Section 504 Coordinator -- Dana Peake, 504 Plan Program Coordinator, at 301-766-8227.

Due Process Safeguards and Grievance Procedures

A. With respect to actions regarding the identification, evaluation, or educational placement
of a student who is or may be a person with a disability under Section 504, the following
procedural safeguards shall be afforded:

  1. Notice to parent(s)/guardian(s) (written or oral) of any decision regarding the
    identification, evaluation, or educational placement of the student;Provide an opportunity for the parents or guardians of the student to examine
    relevant educational records;
  2. Provide an opportunity for an informal resolution or the availability of due process
    through WCPS formal grievance procedures;
  3. Provide the aggrieved individual grievance procedures offered by the Federal Office of Civil Rights

B. Grievance Procedures

The grievance procedure is intended to provide due process and to facilitate the
resolution of complaints alleging that the school system has violated Section 504 in the
provisions of its programs or activities.

  1. A grievant (parent/guardian or student) is to direct disputes over Section 504 to the principal in writing.
  2. If the party is still aggrieved, the grievant may file a written complaint to the 504 Plan Program Coordinator or designee. The 504 Plan Program Coordinator or designee will meet with the grievant within 10 school days of receiving the written complaint. A grievant may forego filing a written complaint with the 504 Plan Program Coordinator or their designee and file for a due process hearing as explained below.
  3. If a grievant disagrees with the outcome of the meeting with the 504 Plan Program Coordinator or designee, or wants to forego filing a written complaint with the 504 Plan Program Coordinator, the parent/guardian may file for a due process hearing before the Executive Director of Elementary Education or the Executive Director of Secondary Education. A request for an impartial due process hearing shall be in writing and shall specify the grounds for the hearing. The request for the due process is to be filed with the 504 Plan Program Coordinator.

Complaints may be filed with the 504 Plan Program Coordinator or the Office for Civil Rights.

Dana Peake
504 Plan Program Coordinator
Washington County Public Schools
10435 Downsville Pike
Hagerstown, MD 21740                     

Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
Philadelphia Office
Wanamaker Building
100 Penn Square East, Suite 515
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Appeals and complaints must contain the following information:

  • Name, address, and telephone number of the party filing the request.
  • The basis of the complaint/appeal (i.e., disability discrimination).
  • Name of person(s) who has (have) been adversely affected by the discrimination and the nature of the adverse impact.
  • Name and address of the discriminating agency/school.
  • The approximate date of the discriminatory conduct.
  • A brief description of the discriminatory conduct.
  • Signature of the party filing the request.