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Criminal Justice

Class Goal

To give the students the knowledge, skill and abilities to succeed in the many areas of the criminal justice field. This will be developed by a well-rounded learning experience and exposure to the total criminal justice system.

As a young professional you will:

  • Explain the history and functions of the components of the Criminal Justice system.
  • Determine what constitutes a legal search and seizure.
  • Apply the procedures for making a lawful arrest.
  • Identify, explain and participate in each step of the adjudication process of a criminal case.
  • Demonstrate effective patrol procedures.
  • Conduct an investigation of a crime scene.
  • Identify and describe the functional units within a police department.
  • Determine the duties and responsibilities of the correctional system.

This program will prepare you to pursue the following career opportunities:

  • Police Officer
  • Correctional Officer
  • Parole- Probation Officer
  • Judge
  • Security and safety Officer

Earn while you learn!

You will receive nine credits in the Criminal Justice Program at Hagerstown Community College.