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Health Office

The mission of the School Health Program is to promote the students' optimal learning ability and maximize learning opportunities by supporting, maintaining, and improving students' physical, emotional and mental health. The School Health Program is a collaborative effort between the Washington County Board of Education and the School Health Council.

A certified nursing assistant staffs the health room daily. A registered nurse is available as needed to monitor the health room activities and serve as a resource. In addition to monitoring immunization compliance, community health and communicable disease concerns, many other services are offered.

First aid, emergency care, illness appraisal, as well as medication administration and doctor-ordered treatments are performed routinely in the health room. There are guidelines for medications and treatments required at school. The health room staff will be happy to assist you. Forms that require a doctor's instruction, such as medications to be given at school, treatments, or other special considerations are available in the health room.

Click here for downloadable health forms.