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Step 7: How is progress reviewed?

In addition to the report card and parent conferences available to all children, the special education process provides for:

  • Regular reporting of progress on goals and objectives
  • An annual review of the IEP -- Review of your child's progress on his/her individualized education program and a review of the program.
    • This meeting must take place within a year of your child's initial meeting in special education and annually thereafter.
    • This meeting is also used to develop a new IEP.
  • Reevaluation -- At least every three years the school must reevaluate your child to determine if he/she still has a special need.
    • The IEP team will determine what assessments or additional information is needed.
    • This information will be used in program planning.

Remember - You do not need to wait until the annual IEP review to meet about your child's progress. Call the principal, teacher, or special education case manager if you would like a meeting to be arranged.


You have just walked through the process, which will provide your child with a free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment using the Individualized Education Program (IEP) developed by the IEP tem.

The process may seem confusing now, but school and special education staff is available to assist you if you have questions or concerns. Remember to ask questions anytime you feel uncertain about your child's program or progress.

In addition to the information you have just reviewed, there are a number of procedural safeguards and rights, which are required as a part of this process. They are compiled in the booklet published by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) entitled "Procedural Safeguards/Parental Rights". You may obtain a copy from the IEP team, the Special Education Department, or from "Partners for Success".