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Boundary Maps

If you are new to the area or if you have recently moved from one neighborhood to another in Washington County, we can help you find your assigned elementary, middle or high school.

These maps show the geographic limits of the attendance zone for a particular school. For more detail, these maps are saved in PDF format and must be viewed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Acrobat Reader allows the user to zoom in on the map to see additional detail. These maps are best viewed rather than printed.

School Zone Changes

Information is available from the Facilities and Enrollment Advisory Committee (FEAC) on discussions regarding possible changes to school zones. For the latest information, please contact the Office of Facilities Planning and Development at 301-766-8601.

This page is updated periodically. The school system has made every effort to ensure that the Map Center is accurate. If you are unable to find your assigned school or discover an error, please call the Office of Student Services at 301.766.2963 (Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.).