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Health Office

Health services are available to students, staff, and faculty during school hours.  The School Health Program is a cooperative effort between the Washington County Board of Education and the Washington County Health Department. The health room is staffed by a full-time Nursing Assistant and a part-time Nurse.

Students with minor illnesses or injuries must obtain a pass from their teacher and report to the Health Office. In most cases, parents or emergency contacts will be notified. If a student needs to go home, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to make these arrangements. If no transportation is available, the student will remain in school for the rest of the day.

Major injuries and emergencies will be referred to the Clear Spring Rescue Squad.  Students who are ill or in an extreme emotional state due to illness or other related causes will not be permitted to drive a vehicle or walk home from school.  Every effort will be made to notify the parent or guardian.

Students will be released by the School Health Staff only with permission of the parent, guardian, or friend/relative as indicated on the Student Health/Family Information Card. Students must sign out with the attendance secretary. If a student does not sign out, it may be counted as an unexcused absence. Students will not be permitted to walk home or drive a vehicle.


If a student is to receive medication during school hours, the parent must provide the school health staff with the medication in a pharmacy labeled container accompanied by a completed Physician Medication Order Form that is signed by the health care provider and the parent. The forms are available in the health care provider’s office, the School Health office or at the website.

Medication administration procedures:

  • The parent must give the first dose of any new medication at home before it will be administered by school health staff.
  • Physician Medication Order Forms must be complete before health care staff will administer any medications or treatments to students.
  • Students are expected to report to the health office at the appropriate time to receive the prescribed medication.
  • School health staff will notify parents if their child fails to report for a medication dose or prescribed treatment.
  • School Health staff will make every attempt possible to locate students who do not report for their medication or treatment.
  • Students may not carry over-the-counter medications. A completed Physician’s Medication Order Form is required with signatures by the health care provider and the parent. Over-the-counter medications must be kept in the health office and administered by school health staff. Students are not allowed to carry over-the-counter medications. A completed Physician’s Medication Order form with healthcare provider and parent signatures is required for over-the-counter medications.
  • Students are allowed to self-carry inhalers for asthma or Epipens for severe life-threatening allergic reactions. The Physician’s Medication Order form section on self-carry (M-l) must be completed and filed in the School Health Office.

Student Health/Family Information Cards

Parent(s) or guardian(s) must complete the Student Health/ Family Information Form for each student. This information is extremely important and is kept on file in the Health Room and the Attendance Office should an emergency occur or the need arise to make contact with the home. Contact persons listed should be those who will be accessible to the school as well as persons to whom temporary care or supervision may be entrusted if the school is unable to reach the parent(s) or guardian(s). Parents and students are advised to update this information when changes occur.

New Students

A physical examination is required for all students entering a Maryland Public School for the first time. A physical examination form designated by the Maryland State Department of Education and Department of Health & Mental Hygiene shall be used to meet this requirement. It may be found on Washington County Health Department website.

Immunization Requirements

Maryland law requires that parents or legal guardians of students enrolled in kindergarten through twelfth grade provide evidence of immunizations or age appropriate immunity against Tetanus, Diphtheria, Poliomyelitis, Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B, and Varicella. Children in preschool, who are under the age of 5, must also show evidence of immunization with Pneumococcal vaccination (PCV -7).

Parents or guardians should contact their healthcare provider to schedule an appointment for the immunizations prior to the start of school. The Washington County Health Department also provides immunizations. To schedule an appointment at the health department, call 240-313-3210. Children who do not have proof of immunizations or age-appropriate immunity may be excluded from school.

Children up to the age of 19 without health insurance may qualify for the Maryland Children’s Health Program MCHP or the MCHP Premium Program. The MCHP program provides free health care and the MCHP Premium Program provides low-cost health care to children in families with low to average incomes. For detailed information on MCHP or MCHP Premium, call the Washington County Health Department at 240-313-3330 or visit their website. MCHP applications also are available from the school health office staff.

Click here for downloadable health forms.